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(843) 347-0849


tax accountant conway south carolina

The 4 Basic Types of Accountancy

There are many subfields and specialties within the accounting industry. However, there are 4 basic types that individuals will encounter.

Individuals that operate a business or are self-employed may have an accountant that maintains the records for their business and personal account.

Financial Accounting

This has a focus on reporting the financial information of an organization. Statements are prepared for regulators, investors and suppliers.

Management Accounting

This is for internal use by management. It has an emphasis on analysis, measurement and reporting.

Tax accounting

In this type of accounting, the professional prepares tax returns, payments, and ensures that tax deadlines are met. They do this for individuals, small businesses, large corporations, and organizations. This is the type of accounting with which most individuals are familiar.

Cost Accounting

The accountant focuses on determining a company’s variable costs for production and services based on its organization’s structure.

Why Accounting is Important for Businesses

For an enterprise to survive and grow, owners must know how much they’re spending for expenses that include labor, production costs, overhead, and liabilities. These expenses determine profit and losses. An accountant keeps clients advised of these essential numbers, allowing them to control costs, make informed decisions and plan for the future.

Accounting for Individuals

Individuals don’t have to own a business to benefit from the services of an accountant. The professional is able to help clients take advantage of all the credits and deductions to which they’re entitled, thereby reducing the amount of taxes they owe.

Tax Preparers vs Accountants

A tax preparer isn’t necessarily an accountant. Tax preparers can’t perform all the same services as an accountant. Kiosks spring up everywhere during tax time. While these tax preparers are capable of completing and filing taxes for the average person, people with a business or are self-employed should consult an accountant.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Attestation services conway south carolina

The Role of Accounting in Supply Chains

The world discovered during the pandemic the integral role that supply chains play in delivering goods around the globe. They also discovered the disastrous consequences when those supply chains are disrupted. Your accountant can play a major role in the management of your personal supply chain network.

Acquisition and Distribution

An effective supply chain management system for any business relies on three elements. The first is reducing costs, followed by increasing the speed of products from the source to the customer, and finally, compressing that cycle of acquisition and distribution. A variety of factors at any point in the process can affect any company’s bottom line, though it will hurt smaller enterprises first.

Accounting, Costs and Logistics

Accounting is a critical component of logistics, whether you’re operating a small mom-and-pop business or a billion-dollar company. One of the many services your accountant provides is helping you to lower your costs and operating more efficiently, which can be accomplished through supply chain management. The result is cutting of expenses, getting products from vendors to you quicker, and out to customers faster and at a lesser cost to you.

Good supply chain management reduces your cost, helps you remain competitive, and increases profitability.

Strategic Planning

Your account will provide you with analytics, an economic perspective, and help you create strategic financial plans – all from an objective viewpoint. You can then evaluate the information, anticipate challenges, and prioritize opportunities.

Final Outcomes

The ultimate decision on your supply chain is always yours. The job of your accountant is to assist you in reducing cost and waste, while increasing financial flexibility. Your accountant will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions that are best for your company.

Some accountants also have specialized expertise in supply chain management. It enables them to be an active partner with others in the supply chain for its establishment and implementation. Most importantly, your accountant will provide you with options to reduce costs, operate more efficiently, and boost revenues.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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The Pros and Cons of a Property Rental Business

Rental properties have always been a popular method of building wealth and creating an income. The cost of rent has increased significantly since the lockdowns of the pandemic ceased. That increase has motivated many to invest in rental properties of their own. However, before becoming a landlord its critical that individuals explore the pros and cons. Most people new to the rental industry don’t examine both side of the equation. It’s important to understand that operating rental properties is a business and is going to require the services of an accountant if the enterprise is to be profitable.

The Benefits

Being a landlord is a great job for those who are people persons. They interact with an array of interesting people. It’s also a good business for those who are retired. Benefits of a rental business include:

  • Nearly passive income
  • Long-term investment
  • Tax deductible business expenses
  • Can be operated in addition to a “day job”
  • Can pay for itself on a monthly basis
  • Property value increases
  • Equity accrual

The Disadvantages

Operating rental property has some definite disadvantages, the most obvious of which are destructive or constantly complaining tenants. Other considerations include:

  • Must be operated as a business
  • Maintaining compliance with the law
  • Tenant screening
  • Time consuming investment
  • Yearly upkeep and maintenance
  • Tenant safety and security
  • Appliance replacement
  • Cost of contractors to perform repairs

Perhaps one of the most unpleasant tasks of a landlord is evictions. It can be a difficult, costly and time-consuming process, during which time the structure isn’t earning any income.

An Accountant Can Help

An accountant that specializes in real estate tax accounting is invaluable. He or she can help improve profitability, file accurate tax accountings, and do so at the appropriate time. The accountant can help property owners plan for the future and establish online rent paying. They’re experts at assisting rental property business owners minimize their tax liability, stay updated on pertinent laws, and maximize their business structure.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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accounting firm Conway South Carolina

The Father of Modern Accounting

The profession of accounting is one of the oldest in existence. It’s been practiced for centuries and can be traced back to the 13th century

where it was being used to great benefit by the Venetians. However, Italian mathematician, Luca Pacioli, was the first to describe double entry bookkeeping in his 1494 book. The method was in use by the Venetians during the Italian Renaissance. That publication earned him the appellation of “Father of Modern Accounting.”

Earliest Accounting

Even before Pacioli and the Venetians, a rudimentary form of accounting was being used by the Mesopotamians in 7500 B.C. They used a system of clay objects, each of which represented a specific type of goods, the number and their financial worth. The Mesopotamians even kept an account of labor and costs.

Pacioli Taught de Vinci

The mathematician lived with Leonardo de Vinci and instructed him in math. Pacioli was also known as Luca di Borgo in reference to his birthplace of Borgo, Sansepolcro, Tuscany. He was educated in what was required to be a merchant.

Pacioli’s Knowledge

In his book, Pacioli described the use of ledgers and journals, emphasizing the need for balancing credits and debits at the end of each day. Also included was the information on recording assets, accounts receivable, expenses, income, capital, and inventory. In his book, he introduced the rest of the world at that time to income statements and balance sheets. Pacioli also proposed a code of ethics for accountants.

Pacioli’s Impact on Accounting

His description of double entry accounting revolutionized the way that businesses began overseeing and managing their operations. It improved the efficiency of enterprises and helped owners achieve greater profitability. The essentials of double entry accounting have changed little over the centuries. The information contained in Pacioli’s book is still relied upon today by lending institutions, investment agencies, not for profit organizations, and businesses – a gift to the financial world from the “Father of Modern Accounting.”

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Run Your Business More Efficiently by Outsourcing

As a business owner, you’re always looking for strategies to maximize your profitability. Many enterprises are reaping the benefits of outsourcing to accomplish financial goals. Even the smallest of companies can take advantage of outsourcing. The practice has been prevalent since the late 1980s and has given rise to an increasingly large gig economy.

What is Outsourcing

It’s a popular practice that many businesses utilize to save money. Business owners hire a third-party individual or firm outside the company structure to perform services, complete tasks, or provide products that would ordinarily be done in-house by regular employees. Outsourcing services are most often delegated to resources in other countries where labor costs are cheaper.

How it Can Save You Money

Unlike an on-site employee, there are no employee-based insurance costs or benefit packages the business must provide. Outsourcing enables businesses to provide high-quality services at a fraction of the cost. The practice enables business owners to focus on the core aspects of their enterprise, while delegating other tasks that they may not be able to provide as well as another.

Outsourcing can help businesses expand their range of services. It’s also helpful for providing enterprises with access to high-tech resources, eliminating the need to purchase expensive and specialized software or equipment.

Many Ways to Save

One of the most well-known examples of outsourcing is customer service call centers. Payroll and accounting are often outsourced instead of performed on-site. Products ranging from ties and hats to T-shirts are often outsourced. Other examples include:

  • Marketing and advertising
  • Information technology
  • Legal services
  • HR department duties
  • Cleaning services

A great many services are regularly outsourced by companies without realizing what it’s called.

Solutions for Any Business

No matter what industry a business operates within, there are opportunities for outsourcing. Contracting with a third-party can help a business operate more effectively and cost efficiently.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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What are My Tax Obligations

Many individuals dream of owning their own business, but don’t fully understand what their tax liabilities are depending on the type of enterprise they’re operating. Knowing your tax liabilities is essential for growth and profitability. Your accountant will play an integral role in every facet of your business.

Federal Taxes

Depending on the size and scope of your operation, you may need to pay quarterly taxes and meet specific reporting deadlines. Those conducting a side hustle or working in the gig economy can often report their income on their personal tax return to the IRS.

State and Local Taxes

Your business structure and the city within which you operate will dictate which taxes you’ll have to pay. Florida is a tax-friendly state. Corporations are subject to a 5.5 percent income tax. Sole proprietorships, limited liability corporations (LLCs), and S corporations are exempt from paying state taxes.

Employment Taxes

Florida business owners will be responsible for paying federal and state employment taxes if they have employees. You’ll be required to pay a payroll tax and report wages, tips and other forms of compensation paid to an employee. There are special forms for doing so. You’ll typically be responsible for workers’ compensation insurance, unemployment insurance taxes, and temporary disability insurance. You’ll be required to report taxes that have been withheld from employee paychecks.

Why You Need an Accountant

The Florida tax code is a highly complex and complicated set of regulations. It can drive business owners to distraction trying to decipher the code, but an accountant is cognizant of all the intricacies. He or she can provide expert guidance on ways to reduce your federal, state and city tax liabilities.

An accountant will advise you of your tax responsibilities and be able to file at the appropriate time on the correct forms. The professionals help you work toward your individual goals, minimize costs, and maximize your profitability.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Getting to Know Your Accountant

You’ll have a wide variety of questions to ask any accountant you’re thinking of hiring. While many people feel self-conscious about asking questions, it’s important to remember that he or she will be responsible for ensuring business taxes are completed and filed on time to helping you reach your financial goals. Never hire an accountant without getting to know more about them.

Tell Me About Yourself” Isn’t Intrusive

You’ll want to know if they’re licensed, have any special skills, their work background and experience. It’s an opportunity to learn why he or she became an accountant and the most gratifying part of the profession for them.


If you’ve been using one of the consumer software programs available, you’ll need to know if your software is compatible with the accountant’s. You may have to print out and provide paper documents for transfer to your account if you decide to hire him or her.

Range of Services

Accountants can provide a wide range of services besides filing your taxes. They can provide guidance to assist you in attaining your financial goals, help you in operating more efficiently, and develop strategies for your changing needs. An accountant can be your trusted financial adviser from startup to retirement.

Clients and Reputation

It’s a good idea to find out the type of clients and companies with which the accountant normally works. Don’t hesitate to ask for references and to explore the professional’s social media accounts and website. A good accountant isn’t difficult to locate, but a great one will have earned a reputation for excellence.

Fees, Charges and Outsourcing

How an accountant calculates fees is also a critical question. An accountant is supposed to simplify your financial life, but fees and charges shouldn’t outweigh the benefits. You’ll also want an accountant that tends to your financial health personally, not one that outsources the job.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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tax accountant conway south carolina

Top 5 (Most Important) Questions to Ask Your Accountant

Your accountant does much more than just file your taxes. He or she performs a wide variety of services to help you reach your business and financial goals. There are some essential questions you should ask your accountant each year to help maximize your business.

What Financial Goals Should I Pursue

Your financial goals will change over time as your business grows and your needs change. You may want to lower tax liability, increase profit margins, operate more efficiently, or be seeking an exit strategy. It’s important to talk to your accountant each year to ascertain what your primary goals are for the year.

Cost Saving Strategies I Can Use

Every business owner should be concerned with how to save their business money. Doing so can mean reducing overheat costs, waiting on expansions or upgrades, re-evaluating partnerships, or simply spending less. Your accountant can guide you in all those endeavors.

Tax Liabilities and How to Reduce Them

Knowing your liabilities will ensure you have enough money set aside to pay your taxes each quarter with no surprises. The information will tell you where funds should be dispersed or invested for greater profitability.

Which Financial Reports are Most Important

Your accountant tracks and monitors a variety of information. You need to be informed about every facet of your enterprise, but there are some reports that can be more important at any given time. Don’t be reticent about asking your accountant which reports of which you should be most aware. Doing so will keep you informed of current and future business trends, allowing you to make highly informed decisions about every aspect of your business.

Where Can Automation be Employed

Whether its payroll, machinery and equipment or customer service, there are a wealth of ways in which businesses can automate services and processes. Some enterprises are more automation friendly than others and can result in considerable savings. Automation is a topic that should definitely be discussed with your accountant each year.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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How to Reduce Your Taxes

People can lower their federal and state tax obligation through credits and deductions. Credits typically produce a more favorable result, as they lower the taxes owed. However, in combination with deductions, they provide a way to reduce your taxable income and reduce your total tax bill.

Tax Credits

There are a number of tax credits available to individuals that reduce overall income and can put you in a different tax bracket, meaning your income is taxed at a lower rate They include the earned income credit, child tax credit, child and dependent care credit, and American Opportunity tax credit. These and others reduce the amount you owe the federal government and work to lower your income.

Retirement Savings

Income set aside for retirement purposes and company-sponsored 401(k) accounts can lower your taxable income. They include traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and 401(k) plans.

Health Savings Account

People contributing to an HSA for health care expenses can use those funds to lower their taxable income, as they’re made with pre-tax income.

529 Plans

As an educational savings plan, earnings and distributions aren’t subject to taxes – providing the funds are used for qualified educational costs. They’re not deductible on federal taxes, but can lower the state tax burden. Be aware that rules vary by state. Pre-paid tuition plans are another option for qualified institutions.

Charitable Contributions

Those who volunteer at a qualified non-profit organization can deduct travel expenses associated with volunteering. Cash and non-cash contributions can also be deducted – be sure to keep a receipt. Claiming a charitable contribution will lower income and tax burden, but itemization of deductions is required and there are limits on how much can be deducted.

Depreciation and Business Expenses

For those that operate a home business or farm, for example, a portion of equipment or machinery can be deducted as depreciation. A percentage of a home used exclusively for conducting business can also be deducted.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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small business tax

What is a CPA?

CPA stands for certified public accountant. The professional designation is earned by accountants that have obtained a higher level of education in multiple areas that includes accounting, auditing, finance, taxation, and other areas of financial expertise. They’re licensed, trusted and highly-trained professionals that assist clients in attaining their financial goals. All CPAs are accountants, but all accountants aren’t CPAs.

What They Do

A CPA provides consulting services and helps clients create strategic financial plans for the future. The professionals file taxes, maintain financial records, provide litigation consulting, and assist clients with retirement planning and exit strategies.

They work with individuals, businesses, multiple industries, education, government, and a wide variety of non-profit organizations to keep clients informed of their financial standing. A CPA can represent a client during a tax audit only if they’ve qualified as an Enrolled Agent and received the right to practice from the U.S. Government.

Some CPAs choose to specialize in fields ranging from environmental issues and agriculture to forensics. The professionals work for clients ranging from athletes and celebrities to some of the largest corporations in the world, along with small business operators. CPAs are committed to continuing education to provide the most effective and efficient services for their clients. A CPA utilizes highly-sophisticated and specialized software to ensure accuracy.


CPAs have a code of ethics. The information between clients and CPAs remains confidential. A CPA in Florida is required to complete a minimum of 4 hours of board approved ethics every 2 years.

Selecting a CPA

It’s critical for individuals to choose a CPA that they trust, since the professional will have access to personal and sensitive information. The CPA should also have expertise and experience in the client’s particular industry. It can be helpful to ask family, friends and peers for recommendations based on their personal experiences. The IRS also maintains a directory of credentialed professionals. CPAs are financial professionals and are available to answer any questions that may arise. Individuals need to feel comfortable taking any financial matter to their CPA.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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