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Smart Strategies for Small Businesses: Optimizing Tax Planning for Success

For small business owners, mastering the art of tax planning is not just a financial responsibility but a strategic advantage. Optimizing tax strategies, leveraging deductions, and planning for the upcoming tax year are crucial steps in ensuring the financial health and sustainability of your business. In this blog, we’ll explore insightful ways small businesses can navigate the complex world of taxes and make informed decisions that contribute to their overall success.


Understand Your Business Structure:

The first step in effective tax planning is understanding the implications of your business structure. Whether you’re a sole proprietorship, LLC, S-corporation, or partnership, each structure comes with its own set of tax considerations. We’ll discuss the nuances of each and guide you on choosing the structure that aligns with your business goals and offers the most advantageous tax treatment.


Leverage Small Business Tax Deductions:

Small businesses are entitled to a variety of deductions that can significantly reduce their taxable income. From home office expenses and business-related travel to equipment depreciation and healthcare costs, we’ll delve into the extensive list of deductions available. Understanding and maximizing these deductions can have a substantial impact on your bottom line.


Keep Impeccable Records:

Accurate record-keeping is the backbone of effective tax planning. We’ll emphasize the importance of maintaining organized financial records throughout the year. By keeping track of income, expenses, receipts, and invoices, you not only streamline the tax filing process but also provide a solid foundation for making informed financial decisions.


Invest in Tax-Advantaged Retirement Plans:

Small business owners often overlook the benefits of contributing to tax-advantaged retirement plans. We’ll explore options like Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRAs, Solo 401(k)s, and SIMPLE IRAs, discussing how these plans not only help secure your financial future but also provide valuable tax advantages for your business.


Stay Informed About Tax Law Changes:

Tax laws are subject to change, and staying informed is key to successful tax planning. We’ll provide resources and tips on how small business owners can keep up with the latest tax regulations, ensuring they adapt their strategies to any legislative updates that may impact their business.


Engage with a Professional Accountant:

While small business owners often wear many hats, consulting with a professional accountant can offer invaluable insights. We’ll discuss the benefits of partnering with an accountant who specializes in small business taxes, providing expert guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.


In the dynamic landscape of small business ownership, effective tax planning is a proactive strategy that can lead to financial success. By understanding your business structure, maximizing deductions, maintaining impeccable records, investing in retirement plans, staying informed about tax laws, and seeking professional guidance, you can optimize your tax strategies and set the stage for a prosperous upcoming tax year. Remember, strategic tax planning is not just about saving money—it’s about investing in the long-term success and growth of your small business.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Navigating the Maze: A Guide to Common Tax Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Tax season is upon us, and for many, it can feel like navigating a complex maze with numerous pitfalls waiting at every turn. As a public accountant, my goal is to shed light on the most common tax mistakes individuals and businesses make and offer practical tips to help you steer clear of them. Let’s dive into the intricacies of tax preparation and ensure a smooth journey through the tax season.


Failing to Keep Accurate Records:

One of the cardinal sins in tax preparation is neglecting proper record-keeping. Whether you’re an individual or a business owner, maintaining accurate and organized financial records is crucial. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of record-keeping and provide tips on establishing effective systems to track income, expenses, and receipts.


Overlooking Deductions and Credits:

Many taxpayers miss out on valuable deductions and credits simply because they are unaware of them. We’ll delve into commonly overlooked deductions, such as education expenses, home office deductions, and energy-efficient upgrades. Understanding these opportunities can significantly reduce your tax liability.


Ignoring Changes in Tax Laws:

Tax laws are dynamic and subject to change. Failing to stay informed about the latest updates can lead to costly mistakes. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of staying current with tax regulations, provide resources for staying informed, and highlight any recent changes that may impact your tax return.


Misclassifying Workers:

For businesses, misclassifying workers as independent contractors or employees can result in severe consequences. We’ll explore the criteria for determining worker classification and offer guidance on avoiding potential missteps that could lead to penalties and legal issues.


Procrastinating Until the Last Minute:

Procrastination is the enemy of a stress-free tax season. Waiting until the eleventh hour can lead to rushed decisions and oversights. We’ll discuss the benefits of early tax preparation, including the opportunity to identify potential issues and seek professional advice before deadlines loom.


Disregarding Retirement Planning:

Individuals often neglect the long-term benefits of strategic retirement planning. We’ll emphasize the importance of contributing to retirement accounts, exploring tax-advantaged options, and maximizing available credits to secure a more financially sound future.


As we navigate the intricate maze of tax preparation, it’s essential to be proactive, informed, and diligent. By avoiding common tax mistakes and implementing strategic planning, you can ensure a smoother journey through tax season. Remember, seeking the guidance of a qualified public accountant can provide invaluable support in making the right financial decisions. Here’s to a successful and stress-free tax season!

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Maximizing Deductions: A Guide for Freelancers and Independent Contractors

For freelancers and independent contractors, managing finances goes beyond earning a living—it’s about optimizing every aspect of their financial picture. One powerful tool in this pursuit is maximizing deductions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of deductions, shedding light on commonly overlooked expenses and providing valuable tips for freelancers and independent contractors looking to optimize their tax returns.


  1. Home Office Deduction: Turning Your Space into Savings

Many freelancers and independent contractors operate from home, making the home office deduction a valuable opportunity. Deductible expenses may include a portion of your rent or mortgage, utilities, and even home maintenance costs. To qualify, ensure that you have a dedicated space used exclusively for work and calculate the square footage dedicated to your business activities.


  1. Business Expenses: The Backbone of Deductions

Every business incurs operational expenses, and freelancers are no exception. Deductible business expenses may include supplies, software, equipment, and even professional development courses relevant to your work. Keep meticulous records and receipts to substantiate these expenses, and you’ll find that they can significantly reduce your taxable income.


  1. Travel Expenses: Turning Work Trips into Deductions

If your work involves travel, those expenses can often be deducted. This includes transportation costs, lodging, meals, and even tips. Whether you’re attending a client meeting or a professional conference, keeping track of travel-related expenses can translate into substantial deductions when tax season arrives.


  1. Health Insurance Premiums: A Personal and Professional Benefit

Freelancers and independent contractors are typically responsible for their health insurance. The good news is that health insurance premiums are often deductible, reducing your taxable income. This deduction extends to medical expenses, including co-pays and prescription costs, providing a dual benefit—both personal and professional.


  1. Retirement Contributions: Building for the Future with Tax Benefits

Contributing to a retirement account not only secures your financial future but can also offer tax benefits. Whether it’s a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA, a Solo 401(k), or another retirement plan suitable for your situation, contributions are generally deductible. Plan strategically to maximize contributions and capitalize on these tax advantages.


  1. Self-Employment Tax Deduction: Easing the Burden

Freelancers and independent contractors are subject to self-employment tax, covering Social Security and Medicare contributions. The silver lining is that a portion of this tax is deductible. By carefully calculating and applying the self-employment tax deduction, you can ease the financial burden associated with this mandatory contribution.


  1. Professional Services and Subscriptions: Investment in Expertise

If you hire professionals for services related to your business or maintain subscriptions for industry-related publications, these expenses are typically deductible. Whether it’s hiring an accountant, a graphic designer, or subscribing to a specialized platform, these investments in expertise can be leveraged to reduce your taxable income.


  1. Education and Training: Deducting the Cost of Growth

Freelancers and independent contractors often invest in ongoing education and training to stay competitive. Fortunately, these expenses are generally deductible. Whether you’re attending workshops, taking online courses, or participating in industry conferences, the costs associated with enhancing your skills and knowledge can be valuable deductions.


In conclusion, maximizing deductions is a powerful tool for freelancers and independent contractors seeking to optimize their tax returns. By understanding the breadth of deductible expenses, from home office deductions to professional services and beyond, you can significantly reduce your taxable income. Keep meticulous records, stay informed about tax regulations, and consider consulting with a tax professional to ensure you’re capitalizing on every available deduction. Empower your financial journey by harnessing the full potential of deductions and setting the stage for a more prosperous and financially savvy future.


At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Retirement Planning 101: A Comprehensive Guide for a Secure Financial Future

As the saying goes, “It’s never too early to start planning for retirement.” Whether you’re in the early stages of your career or approaching the golden years, retirement planning is a crucial aspect of ensuring a secure financial future. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover key topics related to retirement planning, including retirement accounts, investment strategies, and the invaluable role that accountants play in helping individuals navigate the path to a comfortable retirement.


  1. Understanding Retirement Accounts: Building the Foundation

Retirement accounts serve as the foundation of a secure financial future. Two popular options are 401(k) plans for employees and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) for individuals. Contributions to these accounts are tax-advantaged, and they offer various investment options. Understanding the nuances of each account type is essential for making informed decisions about where to allocate your retirement savings.


  1. Setting Retirement Goals: The Importance of a Target

Before diving into specific retirement accounts, it’s crucial to establish clear retirement goals. Determine the lifestyle you envision during retirement, estimate future expenses, and consider factors such as healthcare costs and inflation. Having a target in mind will guide your financial planning and help you make informed decisions about how much to save and invest.


  1. Investment Strategies for Retirement: Balancing Risk and Reward

Once you have a clear understanding of your retirement goals, it’s time to develop an investment strategy. Accountants and financial advisors can assist in creating a diversified portfolio that balances risk and reward. Explore investment options such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, taking into account your risk tolerance and time horizon. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio as needed to stay aligned with your retirement goals.


  1. The Role of Accountants in Retirement Planning: Expert Guidance

Accountants play a crucial role in retirement planning by providing expert financial guidance. They can assist in maximizing tax advantages, ensuring compliance with retirement account rules, and optimizing strategies for withdrawals during retirement. Accountants work collaboratively with individuals to create a personalized retirement plan that aligns with their financial goals and takes advantage of available tax incentives.


  1. Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans: Maximizing Benefits

Many individuals have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans such as 401(k)s. Employers often provide matching contributions, effectively doubling your savings. Understanding the details of your employer’s retirement plan and taking full advantage of employer contributions is a strategic way to boost your retirement savings.


  1. Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Adapting to Life’s Changes

Retirement planning is not a one-time task; it requires regular reviews and adjustments. Life circumstances, financial markets, and goals may change over time. Periodically reassess your retirement plan with the help of your accountant, making necessary adjustments to ensure that your financial strategy remains on track.


In conclusion, retirement planning is a journey that requires careful consideration and expert guidance. By understanding retirement accounts, setting clear goals, developing sound investment strategies, leveraging the expertise of accountants, maximizing employer-sponsored plans, and regularly reviewing and adjusting your plan, you can secure a comfortable and financially stable retirement. As you embark on this journey, remember that the key to a secure financial future lies in proactive planning and collaboration with financial professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your retirement dreams.


At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Financial Resilience: Building a Strong Foundation for Small Businesses

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, the ability to weather financial storms is a hallmark of success. For small businesses, achieving financial resilience is not just a goal—it’s a necessity. Building a robust financial foundation is the key to navigating uncertainties, seizing opportunities, and ensuring long-term sustainability. In this blog, we’ll explore essential guidance on financial management for small businesses, focusing on budgeting, cash flow management, and financial planning.


  1. The Power of Budgeting: A Roadmap to Success

Budgeting is the cornerstone of effective financial management for small businesses. It serves as a roadmap, providing a clear overview of income, expenses, and financial goals. Entrepreneurs should create a comprehensive budget that encompasses both fixed and variable costs. Regularly revisiting and adjusting the budget allows businesses to adapt to changing circumstances and stay on course.


  1. Cash Flow Management: The Lifeblood of Small Businesses

Cash flow management is the lifeblood of any business, especially for small enterprises. Maintaining a healthy cash flow ensures that a business can cover its day-to-day operating expenses, seize growth opportunities, and navigate economic downturns. Small businesses should monitor cash flow closely, identifying potential bottlenecks and implementing strategies to optimize the timing of cash inflows and outflows.


  1. Emergency Funds: Shielding Against the Unexpected

Building financial resilience involves preparing for the unexpected. Small businesses should prioritize creating an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses or weather periods of reduced revenue. This fund serves as a financial cushion, offering peace of mind and allowing entrepreneurs to focus on strategic decision-making rather than scrambling to address immediate financial challenges.


  1. Diversification and Risk Management: Mitigating Financial Vulnerabilities

Diversifying revenue streams is a fundamental strategy for building financial resilience. Relying on a single source of income can leave a business vulnerable to fluctuations in the market. Entrepreneurs should explore opportunities to diversify products or services, target new customer segments, or expand into additional markets. Additionally, implementing risk management strategies helps mitigate potential financial pitfalls.


  1. Debt Management: Strategic Borrowing for Growth

While debt can be a valuable tool for funding growth, strategic management is crucial. Small businesses should carefully assess their borrowing needs, explore favorable interest rates, and have a clear plan for repayment. Responsible debt management ensures that borrowed funds contribute to business growth rather than becoming a burden on financial stability.


  1. Financial Planning: Charting the Course for Success

Financial planning is an ongoing process that involves setting clear financial goals, outlining strategies to achieve them, and regularly assessing progress. Entrepreneurs should collaborate with financial professionals to create a comprehensive financial plan that aligns with the business’s vision and objectives. This plan should encompass short-term and long-term financial goals, guiding decision-making and resource allocation.


In conclusion, building a strong foundation for small businesses requires a holistic approach to financial management. By embracing budgeting, mastering cash flow management, establishing emergency funds, diversifying revenue streams, managing debt strategically, and engaging in comprehensive financial planning, entrepreneurs can cultivate financial resilience. In the face of challenges and opportunities, small businesses that prioritize financial stability are not merely surviving—they are thriving, poised for sustained success in the ever-evolving business landscape.


At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Tax Season Survival Guide: Tips and Tricks for Individuals and Businesses

As the calendar flips to a new year, a familiar season looms on the horizon – tax season. For individuals and businesses alike, this time of year often brings a mix of anticipation and apprehension. However, with strategic planning and a keen understanding of the tax landscape, navigating through the complexities of tax season can become a smoother and more manageable process. In this Tax Season Survival Guide, we’ll explore essential strategies, insights into tax planning, key deductions, and common pitfalls to avoid.


  1. Early Bird Gets the Deductions: Start Tax Planning Now

The old adage “the early bird catches the worm” holds true in the realm of tax planning. Instead of waiting until the last minute, individuals and businesses can benefit significantly from early tax planning. Consider consulting with a tax professional to assess your financial situation, identify potential deductions, and implement strategies to optimize your tax liability.


  1. Keep Immaculate Records: The Devil is in the Details

One of the cornerstones of successful tax preparation is maintaining meticulous records throughout the year. Whether you’re an individual tracking expenses or a business maintaining financial statements, organized and accurate records are your best allies. This not only simplifies the tax filing process but also ensures that you don’t miss out on valuable deductions.


  1. Leverage Tax Credits and Deductions: Know Your Options

Understanding the plethora of tax credits and deductions available is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. From education credits to business expenses, staying informed about the various opportunities to reduce your tax liability can result in significant savings. Explore deductions specific to your industry or personal situation and make sure to take advantage of every eligible benefit.


  1. Avoid Common Pitfalls: Learn from Others’ Mistakes

Every tax season, individuals and businesses encounter common pitfalls that can lead to headaches and financial setbacks. Stay vigilant by learning from the mistakes of others. Common pitfalls include late filings, inaccurate information, and overlooking deductions. By familiarizing yourself with these pitfalls, you can proactively sidestep potential issues.


  1. Seek Professional Guidance: A Wise Investment

In the complex world of taxes, seeking professional guidance is often a wise investment. Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and tax professionals have the expertise to navigate intricate tax codes, interpret regulations, and provide personalized advice tailored to your specific situation. Their insights can uncover additional deductions, ensure compliance, and ultimately save you time and money.


  1. Plan for the Future: Beyond Tax Season

Tax season shouldn’t be viewed as a standalone event but rather as part of a broader financial strategy. Use this time to assess your financial goals, plan for the future, and implement tax-efficient strategies that extend beyond the current year. Whether it’s retirement planning, investment strategies, or estate planning, a holistic approach ensures sustained financial success.


Mastering the Art of Tax Season

In conclusion, mastering the art of tax season requires a proactive and informed approach. By initiating early tax planning, maintaining meticulous records, leveraging available credits and deductions, avoiding common pitfalls, seeking professional guidance, and planning for the future, individuals and businesses can transform tax season from a stressful ordeal into an opportunity for financial optimization. As the tax deadline approaches, let this Tax Season Survival Guide be your roadmap to a smoother and more successful journey through the intricacies of tax season.


At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Tips for the Newly Married

Being united in wedded bliss brings a myriad of changes and that extends to your federal income tax return. If you were married by Dec. 31 of the current year, the IRS considers you married for the entire year. The following are some things you need to know, do and be aware of before filing your taxes.

Name Change and Address

You need to ensure that your Social Security card reflects your name change or your return could be rejected and a name change can take weeks to process. Don’t forget to report any change of address to your employer to ensure your address is correct on your W-2 and it arrives in a timely manner. You’ll also need to change your address with the Postal Service.

Standard Deduction

As a married couple, you’re eligible to file jointly and take the standard deduction instead of itemizing. You can choose not to file jointly, but the deduction will be less.

Saving for Retirement

If you or your spouse works while the other stays at home to care for children, and you file a joint return, the working spouse can contribute to the other’s IRA up to a specified amount.

Selling a Home

You may be able to retain more of your profit if you sell a home. Part of the amount may be tax free. To qualify, it must have been your primary residence for 2 of the last 5 years, but the years don’t have to be consecutive.

A Word of Warning

If your spouse has questionable ethics and you can’t trust them to be honest, don’t file a joint return. Filing a joint return makes you equally responsible for any lies, omissions or misrepresentations. Other reasons to file separately is if your spouse has defaulted on a student loan, is in arrears on child support, or owes back taxes. Filing jointly means the IRS can take any refund to which you’re entitled.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Tax Breaks for Parents

Inflation is making it more difficult for parents to afford the basics of life for their children. Economists estimate it costs parents approximately $20,800 per year to raise one child in 2023. That’s accounting for the cost of food, housing, clothing and childcare so parents can work. That doesn’t count the cost of college or trade school.

It highlights the importance of obtaining every credit and deduction possible when filing your federal income tax return. A tax credit decreases what you owe. A tax deduction decreases your taxable income. Children will need a Social Security card for you to claim those credits and deductions.

Child Tax Credit

This can earn you up to $2,000 for each of your children under the age of 17 if they qualify. The IRS has very specific rules in regard to your income level, filing status, and who qualifies as a dependent.

Credit for Other Dependents

An increasing number of families are intergenerational households. If you’re supporting a child too old to claim on the Child Tax Credit, you may be able to claim them under Other Dependents. Elderly parents living with you may also qualify.

Child and Dependent Care Credit

Paying for childcare so parents can work can cost $300 per week or more. If you qualify, you can receive up to $3,000 to help defray childcare costs for 1 child or $6,000 for 2

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

To claim this, you’ll have to fall within certain income limits according to your adjusted gross income. The amount will vary, depending on the number of your dependents. People without children may also qualify.

American Opportunity Tax Credit

You can recoup a portion of the cost of sending your child to college if you paid for tuition, books or supplies. If you qualify, you can claim the credit for the first 4 years of their college.

Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC)

This can be worth $2,000 if you paid for qualifying expenses. There’s no limit on how many years you can claim it.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Taxation Changes that Take Effect in 2025

Every year, Congress makes what’s known as inflation adjustments and hands down the changes to the IRS to implement. The adjustment will be about 5.4 percent in 2024, which is smaller than last year’s 7 percent. The IRS has announced changes to tax rules for 2024 as inflation adjustment measures.

The changes will take effect when people file their federal income tax returns in 2025. Several of the changes will be of major interest to the average taxpayer, depending on their individual circumstances. Everyone needs to understand how important it is to claim the appropriate amount of withholding tax.

Standard Deduction

The standard deduction for the 2024 tax year will increase by $750 for those that are single or couples filing separately, by $1,100 for heads of household, and by $1,500 for couples filing jointly.

Tax Brackets

The U.S. has 7 tax brackets. Individuals are taxed at rates of 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent and 37 percent, depending on income. Tax brackets and tax rates will remain the same, but income thresholds will change.

The result is that some people will remain in a lower tax bracket, while others who received a cost-of-living increase could find themselves in a higher tax bracket. An example is married filers. They’ll be able to make up to $94,300, while staying in the 12 percent tax bracket.

Other Changes

There will be some other adjustments that will affect the average taxpayer along with a major change for the wealthy.

  • The Earned Income Credit increases to $7,830 for qualifying filers with 3 or more children.
  • People with an FSA can contribute up to $3,200
  • Those with an HSA can contribute $4,150 for their own coverage or $8,350 for family coverage
  • The gift tax exclusion will increase to $18,000 per person in 2024.
  • Estates valued at $3.6 million won’t be subject to estate taxes.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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Gig Workers Face Complex Tax Laws

If you’re dreaming of working from home, being your own boss, or owning your own business in the gig economy, think carefully. You need to be aware of some pertinent facts that will significantly affect your financial health and welfare. It can be especially shocking and frustrating when it’s time to file your federal income taxes. Be prepared – you’re going to pay more in taxes in 2025 when you report your 2024 earnings.

You’re Self-Employed

The IRS defines gig workers as self-employed if they earn $400 or more. As such, you must pay employer and employee federal income taxes. That means Social Security, Medicare, and a self-employment tax. The self-employment tax is 15.3 percent of what your gig work earnings, 12.4 percent for Social Security, and 2.9 for Medicare.

You Might be a Gig Worker…

You could be a gig worker and not even realize it. If you do on-demand freelance projects, you’re a gig worker. The realm of gig work encompasses food delivery, driving a rideshare, or walking dogs.

Ways to Reduce the Burden

The first rule as a gig worker is to save every receipt for money you spend in connection with your work, whether you consider it gig work, freelancing, or a side hustle. You can deduct those expenses on your income tax return.

Hire an Accountant

With gig work, your taxes become more complex, complicated, and require more forms. The services of an accountant familiar with gig work and the tax structure is indispensable. He or she can help you find ways to minimize taxes, while maximizing what you keep.

Software and Setting Aside Funds

It can be helpful to use home accounting software, but you have to be diligent about making entries. You’ll need to set aside a portion of your earnings to cover the cost of your taxes when you file, since it’s difficult to know exactly how much you’ll owe. A good rule of thumb is to set aside 30 percent.

At Peavy and Associates PC our mission is to assist you with all your tax preparations, payroll and accounting needs.  We provide our clients with professional, personalized accounting services and guidance in a wide range of financial and business needs. Give us a call today (843) 347-0849 and discover why our clients return to Peavy and Associates, PC year after year!

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